Nine mos Rene


She is 9 mos now. My lil tiny newborn is a 9 mos baby. How time flies…please don’t grow up to fast my baby girl.

She is a pro in cruising around the house. Standing up on her own for few seconds and start to imitate some gestures like waving bye bye.


She does not need warm water anymore for bathing. And also no longer using her baby bathtub. She loves to take bath with her brother hiahia Destin. She found it super fun to splash the water.


This lil ms. curious also super curious at toys that being played by her brother. The best part is we don’t have to buy her new toys since we already have some from Destin. But Destin often feel annoyed by her baby sister when she insisted to grab the toys he is playing. But there are also times when destin are willing to share with her.  And it is so heartwarming to see they two play together.


She loves to see us eating and will be super excited to try whatever we eat. But she hates baby foods. So I let her eat with us by giving her small bites of fruits or unseasoned meals i cooked for us at home.

She is also able to climb up the stairs and will show us this happy face as if she wants to say “see i did it” 😂 This lil ms.curious is our lil energizer bunny ❤

Littleman turns 3!

Dear Destin,


Today,  3 years ago you made us parents, you changed our life, you filled our hearts. You are the super glue that sticks our family together. You are our life guru that teaches us the real meaning of life, to see and cherish life the way we never knew before.

May we able to raise and guide you, to learn and grow right alongside you , to go through this journey called life.
Happy 3rd birthday our little son-shine. Thank you for making us the happiest and fullfilled parents ❤






Two was when you…

Welcomed your baby sister, Rene, adapting with big change of life that you were no longer the center of our attention. We realize it should be no piece of cake for you to adjust with this new chapter. Until now you still on this hate and love relationship with baby Rene..but it’s ok because i think you are doing great and i believe you’ll be a great brother for her.

Being diaper-free (except for night sleeping time). You did it very well. Mama is so proud of you.

Being weaned from breastfeeding. This was bitter sweet moment that i will never forget for the rest of my life. So glad that i am able to breastfeed you that so long and wean you with love.

Starts to question every thing. when i say every thing i mean every single thing. you will keep on asking us what-how and why on every thing. You are Mr. super duper curious.


2 big changes you have to adapt when you were 2 years old: sharing our love with your lil sister and let go your fav breastfeeding time. The truth is I am the one that missing you so bad.

It was bitter and sweet moment for me and your papa to watch you and Rene growing up day by day, knowing that one day there will be time we have to let you& Rene go ,taking step toward being good adult. Until that day come we hope we are able to guide you, be your shelter and be your best friends to walk and grow with you and Rene.

Happy Third birthday my little sonshine. You will always be my little man. Mama and papa love you so much.