The Joy of being Parents

Or should i say the pure joy of being parents. Littleman will be 2 in few days. Can’t believe how fast time flies away…where did those time’s gone? the day when i gave birth, when littleman was just a little newborn and the little baby. Those days when i was so worried about my milk supply, when he was chocked during the breastfeeding moment and the days when he refused to eat, or those days when he got sick and i felt so stressed…those days become yesterdays and when i looked back i wish i could tell the yesterday me to chill out…relax…those days would pass so so fast and everything was gonna be alright. That i should enjoy every moment because this too will pass.

We are so grateful that baby no 2 is a baby girl and doctor said my due date will be around mid of this june. i promise myself to enjoy each day now. To treasure the moment with my kids. Because this too will pass one day…at least when i look back i don’t regret anything. Maybe i’m not a perfect mom for them but at least i’ve tried my very best to raise them.

I am wondering how does it feel to have a baby girl? what will littleman’s reaction when he sees his lil sister? what does it feel to raise 2 kids? me and hubby have no clue at all actually but we believe this new phase can be as challenging and surprising as the first one too.


Thank you God for completing our family. Thank you for trusting us with another baby girl to raise. Thank you God for blessing us more than we deserve ♡

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